Blog spots, Fandom Friday

Fandom Friday: Fangirls Jumping In

For anyone, trying something new can be pretty intimidating. You don't always know where to start or how to jump in and that can be pretty intimidating. Take comics for example. There are over 75 years of comics you can choose from, which leads to the question of where to start. What's the best way… Continue reading Fandom Friday: Fangirls Jumping In

Fandom Friday

Fandom Friday: Female-Positive Facebook Groups

Female geeks, we've all been there. We've all been a part of a fandom-oriented Facebook group that turned toxic due to misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, etc. Ever wished there was a forum where you could geek out without having to worry about the gatekeeping or discrimination? Well then, these groups are for you! Galactic Fempire. This… Continue reading Fandom Friday: Female-Positive Facebook Groups