Blog spots, Top Ten Tuesdays

Fandom Friday: Toxic Behaviors

So Discovery season 3 just finished and naturally all the haters have come out of the woodwork talking about how horrible it is, saying stuff like, "this isn't Star Trek" and, "It needs to be cancelled". Now there are definitely legit reasons to not like it (the style may not be for you, the writing… Continue reading Fandom Friday: Toxic Behaviors

Top Ten Tuesdays

Top Ten Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Podcasts

10. Image from Write Now LLC 9. Girl in Space Set in the future, Girl in Space is about a girl (duh) who is found alone on a spaceship that she used to live on with her parents. After being discovered, the corporation that owns the spaceship comes to claim what they believe is their… Continue reading Top Ten Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Podcasts

Top Ten Tuesdays

My Top Ten Favorite Book Series

10. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyers. Now, I will admit, I haven't finished this series. But I only have one more book and the novellas left. One book can't ruin an entire series righr? *immediately flashes back to Allegiant by Veronica Roth*. But in all seriousness, I've loved this series so far and each book… Continue reading My Top Ten Favorite Book Series