Blog spots, Monday Motivations

Monday Motivations

Do you ever look at the size of your TBR (to be read) list and just feel completely overwhelmed? I currently have nearly 300 books on my TBR list and it keeps growing. Between receiving new recommendations on the daily, being apart of book groups on Facebook, and following authors on Instagram/tiktok/Twitter, it adds up quickly.

Blog spots, Monday Motivations

Monday Thoughts: Setting Goals

As the year comes to a close, it comes with the dreaded anticipation of coming up with new goals for the new year. Some of those goals may be related to work, one's personal life, work out habits, reading habits, etc. Most people end up abandoning these goals 2 weeks into the new year for one reason or another. I know for me personally they get abandoned because I'll set a huge goal for myself and then not do all the smaller steps to achieve it. So now I'm going to use this post to 1) hold myself accountable and 2) plan out how I'm going to achieve them. With that being said, here are a few of my personal goals for the new year: