Blog spots, Monday Motivations

Monday Motivations

Do you ever look at the size of your TBR (to be read) list and just feel completely overwhelmed? I currently have nearly 300 books on my TBR list and it keeps growing. Between receiving new recommendations on the daily, being apart of book groups on Facebook, and following authors on Instagram/tiktok/Twitter, it adds up quickly.

Blog spots, Thursday Thoughts

Thursday Thoughts: Making Friends as an Adult

How do make friends as an adult? Between either working 24/7 or having a family to take care of, not to mention a Panera Bread, it's near impossible to find other adults you have similar interests with. So how have others done it? How do find someone in your area that's also into comic books or fandoms like Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, etc.

Blog spots, Owlcrate Book Reviews, Something Dark and Holy, Thursday Thoughts

Thursday Thoughts: Problematic Authors

For those that aren't on Twitter, it has recently been revealed that Emily A. Duncan (author of the Something Dark and Holy series) is a bully and racist, especially towards Asian and Eastern European countries. This came about in the midst of discussions about racism towards Asian authors in the publishing world were happening. If you want a list of things she's done then I suggest taking a look at Hafsah Faizal (We Hunt the Flame) and Rin Chupeco's (The Bone Witch) Twitter page. But a summary:

Blog spots, Top Ten Tuesdays

Fandom Friday: Toxic Behaviors

So Discovery season 3 just finished and naturally all the haters have come out of the woodwork talking about how horrible it is, saying stuff like, "this isn't Star Trek" and, "It needs to be cancelled". Now there are definitely legit reasons to not like it (the style may not be for you, the writing… Continue reading Fandom Friday: Toxic Behaviors

Blog spots, Monday Motivations

Monday Thoughts: Setting Goals

As the year comes to a close, it comes with the dreaded anticipation of coming up with new goals for the new year. Some of those goals may be related to work, one's personal life, work out habits, reading habits, etc. Most people end up abandoning these goals 2 weeks into the new year for one reason or another. I know for me personally they get abandoned because I'll set a huge goal for myself and then not do all the smaller steps to achieve it. So now I'm going to use this post to 1) hold myself accountable and 2) plan out how I'm going to achieve them. With that being said, here are a few of my personal goals for the new year:

Blog spots, Fandom Friday

Fandom Friday: Divorcing an Author

My Harry Potter journey began when I was just 3 years-old. Instead of the typical bedtime stories, my dad would read the Harry Potter books to me. By the time I was 7 or 8 I was reading them on my own and was the second one in my family to read the final book when it came out (after my dad of course). All this to say I am a huge Harry Potter fan and always will be. It's a book series that shaped my childhood and is the biggest reason why I love to read. This is also why it hurts to see an author that I have loved for over 20 years make statements that have hurt major portions of the Harry Potter fandom. Statements for which I can no longer support her as a person.

Blog spots, Fandom Friday

Fandom Friday: Fangirls Jumping In

For anyone, trying something new can be pretty intimidating. You don't always know where to start or how to jump in and that can be pretty intimidating. Take comics for example. There are over 75 years of comics you can choose from, which leads to the question of where to start. What's the best way… Continue reading Fandom Friday: Fangirls Jumping In

Blog spots, Fandom Friday

Star Trek Picard Season 1 Review

To give a little bit of my Star Trek background, my first introduction to the franchise was the 2009 Star Trek movie starring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, John Cho, Simon Pegg, and Anton Yelchin. Then, about two years ago I started watching The Next Generation. Now I have completely binged Discovery and am halfway through Deep Space 9, Voyager, and Enterprise.

Blog spots, Fandom Friday

Fandom Friday: Birds of Prey Review

I cannot express how excited I was for this film. Harley is one of my favorite DC characters and I love the idea of her breaking free from the Joker's abuse. I was also excited because this is the first comic book movie that features an all-women team. There are so few comic book movies that focus solely women, so it's extremely important to note when they do.