The Extraordinary Adventures of the Athena Club

European Travels for the Monstrous Gentlewoman (Athena Club #2) by Theodora Goss

If you're looking for a retelling of Victorian Era science fiction novels then look no further, this is it. Mary, Diana, Justine, Beatrice, Catherine, and now Alice are the characters you've been looking for. They're intelligent, funny, and dynamic. I loved the interactions they had and how real they felt despite being retellings/interpretations of characters written 100 years ago.


The Dead House by Dawn Kurtagich

This book was an interesting take on DID (Disassociative Identity Disorder) and it's effects when doctors either don't believe you or think you're just making things up. You have Carly, who is present during the day and Kaitlyn, who is only present at night. The entire premise of the book is based on what happens when one of the identities, in this case Carly, disappears altogether. The psychiatrist, Dr. Lansing, believes it to be a good thing, but Kaitlyn disagrees.

Crown of Feathers, Owlcrate Book Reviews

Wings of Shadow (Crown of Feathers #3) by Nicki Pau Preto

The driving force of this book, especially Veronyka's character, reminded so much of the saying from The Last Jedi, "That's how we're gonna win. Not fighting what we hate. Saving what we love". Veronyka's whole character is about wanting to save and protect everyone she loves and prevent as much bloodshed as possible, which stands in stark contrast to Val, who wants to destroy everyone and everything who has wronged her.


The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix

This book is a major call back to all the slasher films of the 80s and 90s. You have the summer camps (Friday the 13th), remote Texas inbreeds (Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Halloween sibling attacks (Halloween), high school horror fanatic team ups (Scream), and dream stalkers (Nightmare on Elm Street). If you enjoy slashers films, this is definitely the book for you.

Blog spots, Monday Motivations

Monday Motivations

Do you ever look at the size of your TBR (to be read) list and just feel completely overwhelmed? I currently have nearly 300 books on my TBR list and it keeps growing. Between receiving new recommendations on the daily, being apart of book groups on Facebook, and following authors on Instagram/tiktok/Twitter, it adds up quickly.

Blog spots, Thursday Thoughts

Thursday Thoughts: Making Friends as an Adult

How do make friends as an adult? Between either working 24/7 or having a family to take care of, not to mention a Panera Bread, it's near impossible to find other adults you have similar interests with. So how have others done it? How do find someone in your area that's also into comic books or fandoms like Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, etc.

Blog spots, Owlcrate Book Reviews, Something Dark and Holy, Thursday Thoughts

Thursday Thoughts: Problematic Authors

For those that aren't on Twitter, it has recently been revealed that Emily A. Duncan (author of the Something Dark and Holy series) is a bully and racist, especially towards Asian and Eastern European countries. This came about in the midst of discussions about racism towards Asian authors in the publishing world were happening. If you want a list of things she's done then I suggest taking a look at Hafsah Faizal (We Hunt the Flame) and Rin Chupeco's (The Bone Witch) Twitter page. But a summary:

Owlcrate Book Reviews, Something Dark and Holy

Ruthless Gods (Something Dark and Holy #2) by Emily Duncan

I'm going to freely admit, while I did love this book it took me awhile (over a month) to finish it. I wasn't even sure if I should write a review of it because it took me so long. But, here I go.