Blog spots, Monday Motivations

Monday Motivations

Do you ever look at the size of your TBR (to be read) list and just feel completely overwhelmed? I currently have nearly 300 books on my TBR list and it keeps growing. Between receiving new recommendations on the daily, being apart of book groups on Facebook, and following authors on Instagram/tiktok/Twitter, it adds up quickly. Something that hasn’t been helping is that I’ve developed the habit of starting books and then not finishing them. Just look at my Goodreads ‘Currently Reading’ section, I am currently reading 5 books I need to finish before my copy of Wings of Shadow by Nicki Pau Preto arrives, so there’s no hope. How did this happen?

One thing would be I usually don’t have the heart to tell someone that they’re recommendations just don’t interest me. People will recommend a book, but when I look at the descriptions and reviews the book will sound like something I would absolutely hate. But how do you tell someone that the book they recommended just doesn’t interest you at all? So they end up sitting on the TBR list for eternity, but it only adds to the feeling of being overwhelmed because they add up and when you look at that number you aren’t seeing those books, just the number.

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